Can Cats Eat Fruit? (Safe cat treats & fruit toxic to cats)

Can a cat eat fruit

Fruits form a healthy and essential part of the human diet. But is it the same for our feline friends? If you have ever asked yourself; can cats eat fruit? Then you are certainly not alone.

Cats are plain carnivores which means they thrive on animal-based food products. However, cats can do with some tasty fruity snacks to help boost their nutrition.

While you can include fruits in your cat’s diet, you must stick to safe fruits. Unfortunately, not all fruits are safe for cats, as some are considered toxic.

Can my cat eat fruit?

can cats eat fruit

Cats lack taste receptors, so they don’t bother about the sweetness of fruits. So your cat might not show interest in that piece of fruit salad.

However, if they do, moderate amounts of fruits can serve as a good substitute for cat treats. You would also need to consider the high sugar content in fruits.

Although fruits are a low-calorie snack, it contains a high amount of sugar which could be a problem for overweight cats. Overweight cats are susceptible to diabetes.

So, can cats eat fruit? Yes. However, you should limit your cat’s consumption of fruits to maintain a healthy diet routine.


Safe fruits you can give your cat

The following are some of the healthiest and safe fruits you can give to your cats:

1.      Bananas

Snacks that cats like to eatAlthough bananas are known for their potassium content, they are also an excellent source of magnesium, calcium, fiber, and vitamin C.

Bananas offer numerous health benefits to cats, including improved heart health and stronger bones. However, you must note that bananas are high in carbohydrates and sugar and should be consumed in moderation.

2.      Apricots

Apricots are highly nutritious. They can provide a rich source of proteins and beta carotene for cats. Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps the immune system ward off free radical damage.

You must ensure you remove the peel, pit, stem, and leaves before feeding apricots to your cats. The reason is that these parts can be toxic for cats.

3.      Apples

Apples can serve as an excellent addition to your cat’s diet routine. Because of their low calorie, apples are beneficial to older cats. Apples are also rich in vitamin A and C, which are critical for healthy bones and tissues.

They can also help reduce allergy symptoms in cats. Apples are also high in quercetin, a natural antioxidant that aids in reducing inflammation and protecting urinary tract health.

4.      Mangoes

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Tasty healthy treats for cats. Click HERE to view on CHEWY.

Mangoes are one fruit your cats can enjoy. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and folate. Other nutrients found in mangoes include niacin, manganese, and thiamine.

Mangoes also contain high amounts of antioxidants, making them healthy for your cats. Remove the skin and pit from the mango before feeding it to your cat.

Although the skin contains fiber and is beneficial to humans, it is tough for your cat’s digestive system to break down.

5.      Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the most nutritious fruits out there. They are packed with antioxidants and rich in potassium and vitamin C.

Blueberries are widely dubbed a superfood because of their fantastic benefits for people and animals. For example, the vitamin C content in blueberries can help protect your cat’s urinary health and support night vision.

6.      Cranberries

Cranberries are highly nutritious fruits your cat can eat. They are mainly known for supporting urinary health in cats.

The phytochemicals in cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract wall, making the bacteria easy to flush from the cat’s body.

Cranberries contain high amounts of antioxidants, manganese, and vitamin C. Ensure you feed your cats these red berries when frozen or fresh.

7.      Pineapples

Pineapples are very rich in potassium, calcium, and vitamin C. In addition, it contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme called Bromelain that help supports optimal heart functions.

Pineapples have high sugar content, so you must give them to your cat in moderate quantities. Ensure you remove the skin and core before giving it to your cat.

8.      Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in fiber and water, making them one succulent fruit cats can eat. They contain reasonable amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C.

They also have limited quantities of riboflavin, niacin, and folate. You can mash them and mix them into your cat’s food. But don’t forget to take out the leaves and stem.

9.      Raspberries

Raspberries are low in sugar and calories. They are also packed with potassium which supports health functions in cats, and manganese which is essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Although raspberries have low amounts of sugar and calories, they have a trace of xylitol, a naturally occurring sweetener. Xylitol is toxic to cats

10.  Watermelon

Watermelons are juicy fruits your cat would love to eat. They contain nearly 92% water, making them an excellent moisture source for your cats.

Since cats do not drink as much water as other pets, such as dogs, watermelons are moisture-rich fruits that keep your cat hydrated.

Watermelons are a good source of vitamin A and B6. Before feeding watermelons to your cats, ensure you remove their seed as they contain traces of cyanide which is harmful to cats.

Safety tips for feeding cats fruits

It would help if you recognized every cat differs in their choice of fruits. So you would have to figure out the particular fruit your cat enjoys.

Before feeding any fruit to your cart, ensure you consult your veterinarian. The following are safety tips to follow when feeding your cat fruits:

  • Slowly introduce new food to your cat: Sudden changes to your cat’s diet may disturb the balance of your cat’s digestive system.
  • Cut the food into bite-sized chunks; While most fruits may not be complex for cats to chew, large-sized pieces can result in choking.
  • Avoid feeding your cats peels and seeds.
  • Make fruits a secondary part of your cat’s diet.

Fruits you must avoid when feeding cats

The following fruits could pose serious health risks if consumed by your cats:

  • Grapes and raisins; Causes digestive problems in cats
  • Cherries: contain cyanide which is toxic to cats


 Final Thoughts- Can cats eat fruit?

Can cats eat fruits? Yes. However, it must be a safe fruit and should only be consumed in moderation.

As a rule of thumb, always consult your veterinarian before introducing fruits to your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

is chocolate safe for cats to eat

Its widely known that chocolates are toxic to dogs. But what about cats? Can cats eat chocolate?

Sharing a chocolate bar with your cat is a bad idea as it is harmful to cats. Chocolates pose a severe health risk to cats and may become life-threatening if consumed excessively.

Why is chocolate bad for cats?

will chocolate make cats sick

In answering the question ‘can cats eat chocolate?‘, we first need to understand why chocolate is harmful.

Cats and chocolates don’t mix. The reason is that chocolate contains two primary ingredients that could risk the lives of cats.

These two ingredients include theobromine and caffeine. Unfortunately, theobromine can be pretty deadly to cats.

Interestingly, theobromine is harmless to humans but toxic to cats, dogs, and rabbits.

Unlike humans, cats struggle to metabolize (break down) theobromine, which leads to a build-up of the substance and cause fatal consequences.

It is believed that the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains and the more toxic to cats it would be. Caffeine can also be very harmful to cats.

Cats do not need to consume much chocolate to experience problems. So, it would help keep your chocolate bars far from your cat’s reach.

How much chocolate is toxic to cats?

Theobromine has a toxic dose of 200mg/kg in cats, but different types of chocolate contain varying amounts of theobromine.

Dark and baking semi-sweet chocolate is more dangerous to cats than milk chocolates. Because white chocolates do not contain cocoa solids, it does not pose a risk of theobromine and caffeine toxicity.

Unlike other chocolate types, white chocolate contains deficient levels of the chemicals required to cause toxicity in cats.

Baking powder is primarily used for making confections. However, it only takes 0.2 oz baking powder to harm your cat. For semi-sweet or dark chocolate, it takes 0.5 oz for a cat to consume a toxic amount of them.

Milk chocolate has less amount of theobromine and caffeine than most chocolate types. As a result, a cat only needs to consume slightly more than 1.1 oz to reach toxic levels.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats

The degree of a cat’s symptoms after eating chocolate is frequently determined by the amount of chocolate consumed and the type of chocolate ingested.

Among the different chocolate types, milk chocolate has the lowest potential for toxicity. On the other hand, Baker chocolate is known to have the highest potential for toxicity due to its high concentration of active ingredients caffeine and theobromine.

can cats eat chocolateThe following are symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats;

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Increased heart rate
  • Heightened temperature
  • Seizures
  • Increased reflex response
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Coma

While some of these symptoms can easily be noticed by the pet owner, others can only be detected by a veterinarian.

Chocolate poisoning diagnosis in cats

If you suspect your cat may have consumed chocolate or showing signs of chocolate poisoning, take her to the vet as quickly as possible.

Your veterinarian may perform a thorough physical examination and other relevant lab tests. These tests may include a chemical blood profile, a urinalysis, an electrolyte panel, and an ECG to check if your cat’s heart is functioning optimally.

Your vet may induce vomiting if your cat is diagnosed with chocolate poisoning. The aim is to prevent the harmful ingredients in chocolate from causing further harm.

Intravenous fluids can also be administered to keep the cat hydrated and weaken the toxic elements in the chocolate.

How is chocolate poisoning treated in cats?

The kind of treatment your cat will receive for chocolate poisoning is dependent on some factors, including;

  • How much chocolate has your cat ingested?
  • The type and severity of your cat’s symptoms.

Stabilizing your cat to address clinical signs is the first step in treating chocolate poisoning. Next, cats experiencing tremors or seizures are given medications to stabilize them.

Your vet may want to clean the cat’s stomach once the cat is stable. However, your cat may vomit on her own, or your vet may decide to induce vomit.

Another treatment option available for chocolate poisoning is the use of activated charcoal. This device acts like a magnet to attract toxic substances, carrying them through the gastrointestinal tract and out of the body.

Your vet may also admit your cat to the animal clinic for effective monitoring and other supportive therapies.

However, this would depend on the severity of your cat’s symptoms. You would be asked to observe and closely monitor your cat once they are home. You should call the vet immediately if you notice a deterioration in your cat’s health.

While most cases of chocolate poisoning in cats do not cause long-term problems with the proper treatment, you must immediately act fast by seeking medical help.

How to prevent chocolate poisoning in cats

The following are tips you could use to prevent chocolate in cats:

  • First, do not feed chocolates to your cats. Also, ensure children in the house and visitors know not to.
  • Keep all chocolate and chocolate-containing products out of reach from your cats by storing them in high or locked cupboards.
  • Ensure you keep your cat away from parcels and gift items as you never can tell if someone might send you a chocolate treat.
  • Avoid the use of gardening mulches containing cocoa shells.

Are there alternatives to chocolates for cats?

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Can cats eat chocolate? No. But what about alternatives to chocolates? Rather than feeding your cat chocolates, you can find specially formulated feline-safe treats to give your cat.

Your cat would love cat treats due to their excellent taste, appealing smell, and numerous health benefits.

Alternatively, seek out non-toxic snacks that your cat may like.

Other toxic food for cats you must avoid

Apart from chocolates, there are other human foods you mustn’t feed your cats. They include;

  • Sheba Meaty Tender Sticks Cat Treat
    Click here to view on CHEWY.

    Raw eggs

  • Grapes and raisins
  • Bread dough containing yeast
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits
  • Onions and garlic
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine


Final Thoughts

Can cats eat chocolate? No.

Cats are pretty picky in their feeding habit. However, they still have cravings for foods that may be harmful to their health. So feeding your cat chocolate can have adverse effects on their health.

Always consider the safety of your cats by consulting your veterinarian before adding any new food to their diet.

Can Cats Drink Cow’s Milk?

Can Cats Drink Cow Milk

Images of cats lapping a bowl of milk have created the impression that cow milk is a perfect delight for every cat. So, can cats drink cow’s milk?

While most cats crave a bit of milk, the supposed love between cats and cow milk is exaggerated.

Although kittens develop an affinity for milk in their early stage, they lose the enzyme necessary for lactose digestion as they grow older. Can cats drink cow’s milk? Here is what many nutritionists believe:

Most Cats Are Lactose Intolerant

Can Cats Drink Cow’s Milk?Many cats are lactose intolerant and become dehydrated when fed cow milk. The reason is that most cats lack the enzyme lactase, which helps them digest the lactose in milk.

After birth, kittens can maintain a sufficient level of lactase to break down sugar from breast milk into simpler particles, including galactose and glucose.

These two products are easier to absorb and do not cause much harm to the cat’s metabolism.

Unfortunately, adult cats do not have sufficient enzymes to process lactose, so the milk remains undigested in their digestive system.

When lactose intolerant cats drink milk, the undigested lactose passes through the intestinal tract absorbing water with it.

Similarly, bacteria in the colon ferment the unprocessed sugars, producing volatile fatty acids. As a result of these series of activities, the cats may develop stomach upset that may induce vomiting and diarrhea.

Other gastrointestinal issues that may affect your cat from drinking cow milk are bloating and flatulence.

Is there a difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy?

In answering the question ‘can cats drink cow’s milk? First, you must understand the difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergy.

Your cat suffering from lactose intolerance is different from being allergic to milk. While lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose or milk sugar, milk allergy is a severe reaction to casein milk and several dairy products.

Although some symptoms of both conditions are the same, milk allergy comes with other symptoms such as increased shedding, skin redness, dryness, and itchy bottom.

If you observe milk allergy in your cat, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with your vet for comprehensive tests and physical examination.

So, is cow milk healthy for kittens?

Can cats drink cow’s milk? So far, we can see that cow milk is not healthy for cats. But what about kittens?

Since kittens produce enough lactase to digest lactose, you would expect cow milk to benefit them, right? Well, the answer is a resounding no, and here is why.

Nursing kittens derive their nutrient from breast milk in the first eight to ten weeks (before they are old enough to eat solid food).

Like in most mammals, breast milk forms a crucial part of the kitten’s diet and is highly beneficial for their growth. However, milk from another animal species at this stage is way too strong for the kittens developing digestive system.

Cow milk contains a high amount of lactose, casein, and fat that may be too difficult for them to process and can cause:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Food allergy development
  • Heart, kidney, or liver disease

Also, note that cow milk contains high sugar and fat and is not as nutritious as adult cat milk or specialized kitten formulas.

Can my cat die from drinking too much cow milk?

Most feline owners often look for the best ways to feed and nurture their cats. Aside from the question of can my cat drink cow milk? Many cat owners want to know if their cats can die from drinking too much cow milk.

Although lactose intolerance is a problem for many cats, it is not life-threatening. However, your cat could suffer from indigestion which may be severe or mild.

Generally, symptoms may manifest within 8 to 12 hours after consumption. However, if the symptoms persist after a day, you should schedule a visit with a veterinarian as there might be a more severe cause of indigestion.

Cats are predatory animals, and as such, their metabolism is not built to process high amounts of sugar.

Feeding cow milk to your cat could have a long-term effect on her health. A cat’s diet high in carbs could result in several conditions, including diabetes, obesity, intestinal blockage, pancreatic disease, liver, and kidney failure.

What type of milk can my cat drink?

Can cats drink cow’s milk? No. So the question is, what type of milk is suitable for my cat. The following are some types of milk you can give to your cat;

1.      Kitten milk replacer (KMR)

Kitten milk replacer is a unique cat milk formula available in pet stores. It contains less lactase which reduces the likelihood of your cat falling sick.

KMR comes in canned and powdered forms. Note that unique cat milk formula contains a high amount of fat.

So, it would help if you offered it in small quantities to your pet or as an occasional treat.

2.      Goat milk

Goat milk contains less lactose than cow milk, so it is easier for cats to digest it. Similarly, goat milk has less fat than cow milk.

However, it would be best if you serve your cat with limited amounts to prevent any medical condition resulting from a high-fat diet.

3.      Almond milk

Almonds are not toxic to cats. As a result, you can safely give your cat almond milk. However, you must note that almond milk has a high-calorie content and should be given to your cat in limited quantities.

4.      Soy milk

Soy milk is also perfect for cats as it is a good protein source. Milk made from soy can be found in many cat food stores and supermarkets.

The main problem with soy milk is that it is a leading food allergen in many pet food. As a result, it should not be given to cats with food allergies.

4 Milk alternatives for your cat or kitten

Goats Milk for CatsThe Honest Kitchen Dehydrated Goat's Milk 12 pkHuman grade
No GMO, preservatives or by-products
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Chewy Buy Cat Food
Whiskas CatmilkWhiskas CatmilkBeef flavor
Protein rich
98% reduced lactose
Vitamin enriched
Dehydrated cows milk base
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KMR Kitten Milk Replacer PetAg KMR Kitten Milk Replacer Milk Powder Formula Newborn to 6 WeeksPrebiotics probiotics
Complete diet
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Tailspring Milk Replacer LiquidTailspring Milk Replacer for Kittens in Liquid FormNo mixing
Goat milk base
Human grade
No preservatives or artificials
Amazon Buy Cat Food


Best way to feed your cat milk

Dairy products should only be used as occasional treats for your cat. An average-sized house cat should consume about 200 calories per day. Therefore, any treatment should not exceed 10% of the daily requirement.

Conclusion- Can cats drink cow’s milk?

Although milk is not lethal to cats, it should be given only in moderate quantities.

If your cat experiences stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea, they are likely lactose intolerant, and you should discontinue feeding it milk.

So, cats cannot drink cows milk, but can they eat chocolate? That’s the topic for our next article.

Can Cats Eat Canned Tuna?

canned tuna bad for cats

Cats are among the most common pets worldwide, and their popularity is well deserved. Not only are they adorable, but they also have a reputation for being very independent and low-maintenance. Many cat owners have a crucial question: Can cats eat canned tuna?

The short answer is Yes, Canned Tuna is safe to feed cats.

Many adopt cats because they don’t think they have the time or energy to care for a more high-maintenance pet like a dog.

But even though cats may be relatively easy to take care of, that doesn’t mean they don’t require any care at all.

Read on to learn more about this question and other important things about feeding your feline friend.

Wild Caught Canned Tuna in Water (Top 10 Picks)

StarStarkist canned tuna in waterStarkist Chunk Light Tuna in WaterProduct of China4.8Amazon Buy Cat Food
Chicken of the Sea Tuna Chunk and light in waterChicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in waterProduct of Thailand
Low salt
4.5Amazon Buy Cat Food
Ahi Tuna pouchesAhi Yellowfin Tuna PouchesMercury tested
Sustainably caught
No additives
4.5Amazon Buy Cat Food
Polar Wild Caught Chunk Light Tuna in WaterPolar Chunk Light TunaDolphin safe
No additives
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food
Kirkland Albacore White tuna in waterKirkland Albacore Solid White TunaHook & line caught
Dolphin safe
Product of Thailand
4.5Amazon Buy Cat Food
Safe Catch Elite Tuna Low Mercury Wild CaughtSafe Catch Elite Mercury tested
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food
Skipjack Wild TunaSkipjack Wild TunaDolphin & turtle safe
Canned in USA
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food
Wild Planet Albacore Wild Caught Tuna in WaterWild Planet Albacore Tuna3rd party mercury tested
Processed in Vietnam
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food
Wild Planet SkipJack Wild TunaWild Planet Skipjack TunaPole & line caught
No fillers
Processed in Vietnam
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in WaterBumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna in WaterCanned in USA
Dolphin safe
4.6Amazon Buy Cat Food


What is Canned Tuna?

Canned tuna is a type of fish processed and sealed in a can. It is a popular food item because it is affordable and has a long shelf life. The term “canned tuna” can refer to several different types of fish, including bluefin, albacore, yellowfin, and skipjack.

Tuna is a nutritious food that is high in protein and low in fat. It is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health.

Canned Tuna comes in two types which are oil-packed tuna and water-packed tuna. Oil-packed tuna is canned tuna packed in olive oil or vegetable oil. It has a richer flavor and is more expensive than water-packed tuna.

Water-packed tuna, as the name suggests, is packed in water. It is less expensive than oil-packed tuna but has a milder flavor safe for cat consumption- unlike oil-packed tuna, which is not safe for cats to eat.

Benefits of Canned Tuna for Cats

Canned tuna can be a healthy and nutritious treat for cats. It is high in protein and low in fat, which makes it an excellent source of nutrition for cats. Additionally, canned tuna is a good source of omega-three fatty acids, which have many health benefits.

Some of the benefits of feeding canned tuna to your cat include:

  • Improved heart health
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Better joint health

Is Canned Tuna Safe For Cats?

can cats eat tinned tuna

Yes, canned tuna is safe for cats to eat. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they require animal protein to survive. Tuna is a popular choice for many cat owners because it is an affordable source of animal protein.

However, there are some potential risks associated with feeding tuna to cats. The most significant concern is that canned tuna can be high in mercury.

Mercury is picked up by small fish in polluted waters. Larger fish eat the small fish and the mercury passes to their bodies. Being high on the food chain, large predatory pelagic fish such as tuna are sometimes found to have high mercury levels in their bodies.

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can cause neurological damage in humans and animals. In large enough quantities, mercury can be fatal. For this reason, it is essential to exercise caution when feeding canned tuna to cats.

If you choose to feed your cat canned tuna, select a product marked “low mercury” or “no mercury added”. You should also limit the amount of tuna you feed your cat, as too much fish can lead to nutritional imbalances.

When used in moderation, canned tuna can be a healthy part of your cat’s diet. Just be sure to choose a low-mercury variety and feed it in moderation.

How to Feed Canned Tuna to Cats

Can Cats Eat Canned Tuna

When feeding canned tuna to your cat, it is essential to do so in moderation. Too much tuna can lead to health problems such as mercury poisoning.

Canned tuna should not be the only source of protein in your cat’s diet. Feeding your various cat proteins is essential to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

Additionally, you should not feed kittens, or cats that are pregnant or nursing, with canned tuna. Kittens and pregnant or nursing cats have a higher risk of mercury poisoning.

If you are going to feed canned tuna to your cat, it is essential to choose a high-quality product. Look for canned tuna packed in water and contains no added salt or other ingredients. Avoid feeding your cat canned tuna packed in oil, as this can harm their health.

When feeding canned tuna to your cat, start with a small amount and see how they react. If they seem to enjoy it and have no adverse reaction, you can continue feeding it to them in moderation.

Canned tuna is a safe and healthy treat that cats can enjoy. When feeding canned tuna to your cat, it is essential to do so in moderation and choose a high-quality product. Nevertheless, canned tuna can be a nutritious and delicious treat that your cat will love.

Feeding Your Cats with Raw or Cooked Tuna

can cats eat raw tuna

There are benefits to both raw and cooked diets for cats. Proponents of raw diets argue that cats are obligate carnivores and that their digestive system is designed to digest and utilize nutrients from animal flesh and organs.

They also claim that the high temperatures in cooking destroy many of the nutrients found in meat, making cooked diets a lousy choice for cats.

However, there are also several benefits to feeding cats cooked diets. Cooked meat is easier to digest, meaning that cats are better able to absorb the nutrients from their food.

In addition, cooked diets eliminate the risk of bacteria contamination, which can sometimes occur with raw meat. Ultimately, the decision of whether to feed your cat raw or cooked food is a personal one.

There are benefits to both types of diet, and it ultimately comes down to what you feel is best for your pet.

4 Tuna Cat Food Products (Our Top Picks)

Fancy Feast Tuna FlakedFancy Feast Flaked4.6Amazon Buy Cat FoodChewy Buy Cat Food
Purina One Tuna Wet Cat FoodPurina One Recipe4.5Amazon Buy Cat FoodChewy Buy Cat Food
Wellness Minced Tuna Cat FoodWellness Minced4.6Amazon Buy Cat FoodChewy Buy Cat Food
Reveal in Broth Tuna Fillet Grain FreeReveal in Broth4.4Amazon Buy Cat Food


Conclusion- Can cats eat canned tuna?

Cats eating raw tuna

While canned tuna is safe for cats in moderation, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, look for tuna that is packed in water rather than oil.

Second, avoid tuna that has been flavored or seasoned, as this can contain ingredients that are harmful to cats. Finally, don’t overfeed your cat canned tuna, as it is high in mercury and can cause health problems if consumed in large quantities.

However, when fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, canned tuna can be a healthy and delicious treat for your feline friend.


A Final Word

Cat Food Advisor is privately owned. We do not accept money, samples, gifts, or other incentives in exchange for special consideration in preparing our reviews.

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What Snacks Do Cats like? 

cat treats and cat snacks

Cats are lovable pets, and it is only natural for us to want to share our snacks with our kitten friends. However, feline lovers must remember that our dietary and nutritional needs are pretty different from cats. So, what snacks do cats like? 

While humans have an exhaustive list of treats to snack on, cats are pretty picky, and not all treats are suitable for their health.

What makes a snack healthy for cats?

What Snacks Do Cats like

You might consider lavishing your cats with delicious snacks to show love and affection.

However, you must note that not all snacks are healthy for cats. For example, experts say cat treats should contain more than 10% of the cat’s total calories consumed. The reason is that most snacks add just calories to a cat’s diet.

What snacks do cat like?

While your cat should eat a 100% complete and balanced food diet, there are healthy treats you can give your cats occasionally.

Here are a few snacks that your cat would love.

1.      Canned fish

Canned fish is a delight for felines and is safe to offer a small amount periodically.

In addition, fish can serve as an enjoyable snack for cats.

Most cats find the smell of fish quite appealing, fueling their craving for it. Fish has a high nutritional content as it is a high source of protein, omega-3 acids, and vital nutrients for a healthy cat diet.

The cat’s digestive system is slow processing fish. So you must avoid feeding them raw fish. Some cats may have allergies to fish.

Look out for canned fish in water with no extra salt or other added additives that could harm cats.

2.      Bananas

Snacks that cats like to eat

Bananas are safe for cats, and giving them once in a while is not a bad idea. You can offer bananas to your cat periodically unless your veterinarian says otherwise.

Cats do not easily digest banana peels, so ensure it is kept out of their reach. Begin with a small tasting and be on the lookout for any unusual reactions.

3.      Cheese

Cheese makes up for a delicious snack for your cats. Many felines love cheese, and it is pretty understandable.

Cheese has an exquisite taste that makes them a thrill for cats. Although cheese is high in protein, it can upset your cat’s digestive system if ingested in large quantities.

Most cats are lactose intolerant, making it difficult to digest dairy products. However, be on the lookout for any reaction, and you can substitute it with a non-dairy cheese if your cat is lactose intolerant.

4.      Eggs

Eggs are great snacks for cats. It is packed with protein and fats and is one occasional treat you can give your cat. However, a single egg is about 90 calories, so you must be mindful of how much egg you give your cat.

An average cat requires around 150- 200 calories daily, so you might want to avoid giving your cats more than a single egg portion.

Eggs account for one of the most widespread food allergens for cats. Therefore, you should immediately watch out for any reactions or symptoms and alert your veterinarian.

Raw eggs are not appropriate to feed your cats as they may contain harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.

5.      Green Beans

Green beans are another example of healthy snacks cats like. Although snacks are carnivores, they still crave healthy veggies like green beans.

You can use green beans as a healthy snack or include them in your cat’s traditional diet. Ensure you stick to fresh or frozen green beans.

The reason is that canned beans often have extra sodium laced in them. If you intend to use green beans for weight loss for your feline, consult your veterinary to draw out a medically approved plan.

6.      Lean meat

Lean meat is an excellent choice if you want a great snack to share with your cat. Cats are meat lovers and a perfect addition to your cat’s diet. Meat also contains taurine, an essential amino acid cats need for optimal health.

Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and lean deli meats with no seasoning are great snacks for cats. However, avoid giving your raw cat meat as it could make them sick.

7.      Blueberries

Although cats lack sweet taste receptors, many enjoy blueberry because it offers something new. In addition, due to their wet texture and juiciness, your cat may find blueberries an exciting treat to snack on.

Blueberries are not considered a super food for cats. However, they contain antioxidants that are safe and healthy for cats. Therefore, blueberries do not form an essential part of your cat’s diet.

So you must be mindful of the quantity you give to your cats. Like other snacks, blueberries should make up no more than 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake.

Tips for healthy snack feeding in cats

The following are healthy snack feeding tips for cats you can use;

  • Moderation is vital: Cats may develop a habit of avoiding their food for snacks. As a result, ensure you feed them in moderate amounts.
  • Discourage begging: Do not reward begging and avoid giving your cat a snack at the dinner table.
  • Avoid toxic food: While you might want to share your food with your cat, you must avoid particular food that could be toxic to your cat. Onion, chocolate, alcohol, tea, and salt are some typical unhealthy foods you mustn’t feed your cat.
  • Make your homemade snack: You can make your homemade snack by cooking small pieces of liver, fish, eggs, etc; or make cat patties.

Types of healthy snacks for cats

Fruitables cat food snack1.      Fruitables cat treats

These treats for cats are packed with protein and free from animal by-products, wheat, soy, and corn. In addition, they contain less than 2 calories per treat, making them healthy for your feline friend.

Best of all, they are made with simple ingredients, real salmon, and savory protein flavors. Are you curious as to what snacks cats like? Then Fruitables cat treat is a great option!

2.      Blue buffalo wilderness crunchy cat treats

Blue Wilderness Cat TreatsBlue buffalo treats are made with real chicken and are grain-free. These healthy snacks contain only 1.5 calories and aren’t made with contain corn, wheat, soy, or artificial flavors. It has a soft and crunchy texture which makes it easy to chew.

Final Thoughts

Although cats are pretty picky in their choice of food, they love to snack on good treats. So, what snacks do cats like includes a variety of things such as vegetables, eggs, and even cheese

However, you must consider your cat’s health before giving them a treat.